Technics 1200G VS VPI Prime Signature

Has anyone specifically compared these two turntables? Longevity plays a role here, but ultimately SQ is paramount. Aesthetically the Prime Signature (rosewood) is a beautiful looking table. Thinking about either table with Van Den Hul Grail, and VDH DDTII special. I have heard nothing but good things about Technics 1200G.  I have heard of some QC issues with VPI. The simplicity of the Technics unit is also a plus. Any input about this will be appreciated...

Interesting thread, I too would strongly lean to the Technics given the choice.  I have owned two VPIs--a Scoutmaster (which I hated) and the original Classic (much less hate).  I really didn't like the tonearm on either and recently got out of the VPI business and bought a Pure Fidelity Harmony--which is just leaps and bounds better than the VPIs to my ear. 

The dealer I bought it from is also a VPI dealer and so I had him switch tables during the demo.  After two songs on the Prime or Prime Signature, all I could think of was "sounds like a VPI".  To me, they are all about "audiophile sounds" and less about connecting you with music.  You want tone and a nice big soundstage, buy a VPI.  You want an engaging listen, try something else. To me it's an "admire it" vs "be moved by it" type of thing.

As always, it comes down to a personal preference--I know there are tons of folks who LOVE their VPIs.  Just figure out what camp you are in.  I do think the Technics is a good enough base to support much higher aspirations.  A couple of guys in my local audio group have added the added an Integrity Tru-Glider tonearm to the Technics and seem thrilled by the combo.  

I had a VIP and hated it too, cheaply built, the designer does not “believe” in anti-skating, can you imagine an engineer not believing in science? The tonearm fatboy has a lot to be desired.

the motor is too light to keep from moving when changing the speed. So many things that are just not right.

I ended upgrading everything and never sounded good.

I am

glad I sold it even if it was at a significant loss.


Can’t speak to the Technics but it’s very well reviewed so you can’t go wrong. I’ve owned a VPI Scout 2 for about 5 years with the 9” unipivot arm and it’s been flawless. Once it’s on the album it tracks beautifully. 

@displayname The 1210GAE's(black version of the 1200GAE) sold in Japan came with a Nagaoka JT-1210 cartridge that was developed (so the advertisements said) with Technics for this TT. Then Nagaoka released the same cartridge with the JT-80BK model name in black (better looking). I purchased the Jt-80bk for my 1200 GR and I have to say it's the best MM cartridge I have ever heard. I plan on doing a video on my Youtube channel soon about my thoughts a couple months into owning the JT080BK. You can check out the basic sound charactor here on this video