Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....

So I recently have been on a pursuit of better speakers ...I know its all relative to each individual listener . I am a professional musician and am seeking some powerful depth and clarity for my cavernous living room which will be addressed and treated. 30x11x10 pitched ceiling. 

I am polling the Tekton Double Impact owners they're opinions on living with these seemingly beast like cool speakers....after auditioning Harbeth and various others, I remain in a state of inquisitive, insatiable limbo and am ready to forge into some new sound arena....many of these high end speakers just aren't available to demo . What can handle high volume and still hold the presence and clarity / bottom? 

my tastes : Prince, all 70's jazz fusion such as Billy Cobham, Return to Forever, Lee Ritenour, Led Zeppelin, Kiss , Miles, Coltrane, Steely Dan , Toto, Jellyfish, Plini, David Maxim Micic , overall its melodic rock / jazz that needs to be sometimes cranked to very high levels especially on "bro night" 

Marantz PM-11S1
Sony STR V7
SVS SB1000 Sub

Thank you all ! 
Any additional comments from the long term owner's of the DI SE as compared to the $3,000 DI's?

  talked to the owner months ago,..

  spoke with him about the different surrounds used.

 He said I can get any surround style I want, either the accordion style or the half roll on the woofers.

 I had the cerwin Vega 150 SE, I think, with the black felt on the face of the speaker. 15” wood, 2 mids n a tweeter.
 They were great, but at techno, or deep bass hits, it would bottom out I would get that (flicking a piece of paper sound)

 I went with the at-15 after, and was happy.

    Which would be better? Thoughts?
sorry to derail this thread.

 I am looking at the tektons for my secondary system.
Tekton’s are great ....I really think it depends on what amp is driving them...I had a Lyngdorf 2170 , but when I switched to Manley 100w Snapper Mono blocks the difference was quite staggering in the bottom.

I currently own the Tekton Encores, the DI SE’s were great...also depends what kind of music you listen to ..for deep bottom on EDM or Prog rock I’d almost consider getting a PA if you have a large room . L’acoustics Arcs Wide w subs...you won’t believe how those sound.. :)
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