I’m really enjoying and appreciate your listening impressions, I understand exactly what you’re referring to. As you’ve noted previously the ZOTL MZ 2 is excellent driving the Double Impacts and one could easily live with this match. Yet the SET amplifiers you’ve tried present that "meat on the bone" and improved tonal texture and color that makes the sound more palpable and realistic.
It takes an exceptionally good speaker to exploit this additional musical information and nuance. Example, the DI allows distinction to reveal the Triode Lab 2A3 is the superior SET compared to the Opera amp (no slouch by any means). Better quality transformers, parts and power supplies will do that.
This is why I would advise anyone interested in a SET to go for upgrade options when possible. In particular I’d not choose to save a few dollars by settling for the lesser output transformer, it’s role is too important. Same philosophy regarding the power supply. The more stout/robust the better the amplifier and I believe this point is magnified with SET.
I’m really enjoying and appreciate your listening impressions, I understand exactly what you’re referring to. As you’ve noted previously the ZOTL MZ 2 is excellent driving the Double Impacts and one could easily live with this match. Yet the SET amplifiers you’ve tried present that "meat on the bone" and improved tonal texture and color that makes the sound more palpable and realistic.
It takes an exceptionally good speaker to exploit this additional musical information and nuance. Example, the DI allows distinction to reveal the Triode Lab 2A3 is the superior SET compared to the Opera amp (no slouch by any means). Better quality transformers, parts and power supplies will do that.
This is why I would advise anyone interested in a SET to go for upgrade options when possible. In particular I’d not choose to save a few dollars by settling for the lesser output transformer, it’s role is too important. Same philosophy regarding the power supply. The more stout/robust the better the amplifier and I believe this point is magnified with SET.