Hey Guys,
After many hours of listening I have come to the conclusion that my favorite combo, on all types of music, of course through the DI's, is the LTA MIcro-ZOTL and the Triode Lab 2A3 SET amplifier. As I have have shared before the Micro-ZOTL delivers the speed/dynamics and holographic imaging and the Triode Lab gives the mix the beautiful color/tonality and image palpability that a great SET based amp can offer. I'm very impressed not only with the performance of the Triode Lab piece but its build quality and what they charge for it. It will get a great review from me in the future.
I will be getting a pair of mono-block SET 300b amps in for review this coming week and then will be able to decide if I prefer a 2A3 or 300b based amplifier for my taste on the DI's. I had never tried a 2A3 tube in any of my systems before and as stated above am quite smitten by what it does. Historically I have always loved good 300b amplifiers, so I'm quite curious about what any differences might be on the DI's.
All this experimenting would never had been possible without the unique aspect that you can drive the DI's with virtually anything you want including "flea watt" amplifiers without losing ultimate DB levels and dynamics!