Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Hi @iamasif  Have you considered leaving the DIs as is for your home theatre application and using a single sub for LFE only?

Others are using subs, so they will be able to let you know what's working for them. 80 Hz seems high, to me.
Eric doesn’t publish anything but this for the DI speakers:

20Hz-30kHz frequency response
±1dB deviation from 70Hz-20kHz

Personally, I would like to know what the ± is for 20Hz. I suspect it is more than -3dB.

Based on that, you would not want the crossover frequency to be higher than 70Hz and probably a lot lower. I would not crossover at all and just add a single subwoofer. Then see how that sounds.
@evolvist , I have the Benchmark ABH2 back in the system. I'm going direct from my Modwright Oppo 205 without a preamp and I must say it is spectacular. A whole different sound now that the DI's are well broken in.

The ABH2 is well known for its lack of distortion and it sounds clear and tight. In a comparison to the ZOTL amps.... well.... I like both. The AHB2 could be very slightly clinical in comparison but nothing that bothers me. The ZOTL with my Mullard EL34's has a midrange to make you melt into your chair, maybe a little more musical.

i would prefer the ZOTL for jazz and classical. I would prefer the AHB2 for rocking out. The best part is that the DI's seem to let everything through.
Thanks @david_ten @porscheracer 

I have 2 presets for HT, Preset 1 with DI as is (defined as Large) and subwoofer for LFE and below 80hz on other channel. Preset2 with DI (defined as Small with 50hz below rollover to subwoofer) and 80hz below on other channels.

Preset1- when I am listening to 2 channel music DI as is (large, no crossover) performs great, and multichannel movies are good too
Preset2- multichannel movies (DI defined small, with 50hz rollover) has extra punch on lower frequencies

Any recommendations should I try?

@lancelock  thank you for the assessment. It's very much appreciated. I had no doubt that many of the tube amps mentioned here did a great job. I was just trying to get a feel for something that's a little closer to home.

Funny thing, I'm actually bringing my AHB2 over to try out the DIs in an audition tonight.
