I think "hater" is targeted at some very specific types of comments. I haven't seen where someone went off the rails because someone said they didn't like Tektons. I think it's the more to do with the uninformed comments that border on ignorance which trigger the responses, but I also haven't gone through every thread, so maybe I missed something. I've seen this same thing in Magnepan threads, especially in the Audio Asylum forums over a decade ago, I stopped visiting that place, got way too toxic for me to spend time wading through the noise.
And "butt hurt" can be fairly accurate for those people who can afford the more expensive things because if they weren't they wouldn't bother beating their chests about it and just enjoy their purchases while others enjoyed theirs. Again, this isn't a general statement as I've been part of plenty of discussions/arguments with both types, those that need to try and prove some point with the main argument being they paid more, and the other that is fortunate and desired the more expensive item but admires or understands the validity of the cheaper item.
There are plenty of broke mfrs who act snobbish when they come into possession of expensive products. So there's that.
And "butt hurt" can be fairly accurate for those people who can afford the more expensive things because if they weren't they wouldn't bother beating their chests about it and just enjoy their purchases while others enjoyed theirs. Again, this isn't a general statement as I've been part of plenty of discussions/arguments with both types, those that need to try and prove some point with the main argument being they paid more, and the other that is fortunate and desired the more expensive item but admires or understands the validity of the cheaper item.
There are plenty of broke mfrs who act snobbish when they come into possession of expensive products. So there's that.