Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show.

Any reports on the Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show?
@pts. It was a dealer demo. From what I recall he was demoing Elac
speakers. The Tekton's were sitting off to the side wall. I asked if they
were planning on playing the Tekton's at some point but the assistant who was there said she wasn't sure. Too bad, would have liked to hear them.
There was a report on another forum of someone who heard the Tektons at the show.  He wasn't impressed and figured it was a bad setup.  Must not have been a good room for that speaker.
I posted this in another thread on the LTA-MZ2:

I attended the LA Audio Show this past weekend specifically to listen to the Double Impacts and the Spatials.

The room and the equipment used to demo the Double Impacts did not do them any justice and I could not pull the trigger based on my listening experience. The room was hosted by Positive Feedback and they were showcasing low cost, high value systems so there were multiple speakers and components. For the Double Impacts, they were using a Schiit Freya preamp and a Schiit pre-production amp.

Very unfortunate as I really wanted to like the Double Impacts. I was able to sit in the designated sweet spot while listening. In a dedicated Tekton room with different components, they would probably sound great. I just couldn't get past the way they sounded in that room.
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Not anymore than most speakers when you get down to the fine tuning and matching in components that give you the sonic presentation you desire.

