Tekton speaker comparison thread

Hey all the purpose of this thread is for Tekton owners and those who have had/heard Tekton speakers to write their impressions on how they compared to other speakers they have owned (especially more expensive ones). Please refrain from flaming and aggression, just want to create friendly discussion that is focused specifically on comparisons (ideally in the same room and with the same electronics).
In the other tekton threads there is a lot of positive feedback but often I find there is no actual comparison so its hard to know where someone is coming from when they give their impressions.

I’m so curious about how these sound. Anyone near Boston have some to listen to? Or @lwin I’ll let you know if I’m headed to Maine for a show. Thompson Point is one of my favorite venues. 

I just can't get past their speaker cabinets regardless of sound. Man, those things are cheap and ugly! 

Willywonka I got it. May I know what speakers you have? My guess they are very beautiful?happy new year to you.

I sent a message to jrusso 121 inviting him up but I should have posted this for everyone. I don’t know if Tekton Design participates in audio shows and since they don’t have a dealer network the only way to hear them as far as I know is at someone’s house. As I have stated before anyone who is interested in how these speakers sound is welcome at my house. I have had a few people take me up on my offer. I have an extensive library both vinyl and digital and if I don’t have what you want to hear, Tidal and Quobuz probably do. I am just outside Portland, Maine . My wife and I love company and every visitor has turned me on to new music which it is all about.