Tekton Ufberts

Hello I am somewhat surprised that a Speaker from a Tekton doesnot even come with a instruction sheet ,or st least a pdf file online on a $12,000 speaker.
on the back of the speakers , there are 3 sets of terminals , but information what so ever.
if trywire whichi would think why  no straps to the otherconnectors.
a fellow Audiophile recently bought them ,and asked me since he didnot even get a owners manual.
can anyone shed some light on the3 sets of terminals on the back ? Thanks much .
Hey audioman58,

The very top two, wider then the bottom two pairs of speaker wire terminals, posts is were you can place different rated resisters to roll off the highest end frequencies to your personal taste.  My pair were shipped with different valve ones.  I have never had the desire/need to insert any at all because in my system the top-end is wonderful with no glare/sizzle at all.   
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