I notice liquid cables are being talked about a bit at the moment so thought I'd share my experience.

I come from a somewhat cable sceptic background. After playing with modest cables I felt there were differences but it was all pretty subtle. The best I came across were Anti-cables which with everything I've seen seemed to offer slightly greater clarity. They've stayed in my system for the past 3 years as it's evolved.

I run an Emm Labs, Muse amp (very underrated)and Kharma speakers with just an XLR between the electronics. I was offered the opportunity to try a Teo XLR in an unfamiliar system a little while ago and was surprised at the difference it made so at the earliest opportunity I tried them in mine.

I've had them for over a week now and have been surprised at just how big a difference they've made. In a system that I've been very happy with the greater decay and body to notes is a revelation. They've added a more natural perspective that I didn't know I was missing. Very impressive.
Fiddler, according to your logic, everyone who prefers one component or cable is suspect. This calls the honesty of all such posters into question. Are the only acceptable posts those that express confusion and uncertainly? What a sad day this would be if this were so.
Sabai, if you know the history of shills around here it's easy to be suspect given the circumstances on XYZ's posts. My apologies to XYZ if his posts are legitimate.
Glory, could you enlighten us to your detective work. No offense Audionewfie, but your character witness for XYZ doesn't have a lot of weight considering it is your one and only post.

Hey, everything may be legit, but you've got to be suspicious when someone has registered recently and they start posting a rave followed by a character witness with only one post.

Does anyone remember Tekunda and the HMS Gran Finales fiasco? He supposedly tested countless top of the line cables only to pronounce the HMS Gran Finale the winner. Turns out he was selling them.
Does any of this really matter? Who buys cabling on the basis of posting here? Most of us have probably only heard less than 5% of those available, and few have the same equipment or ears.