I own a Teres 340 with Graham 2.2 and Shelter 901. Simply fabulous is all that I can say.
I have been listening critially since the first of the month and I am amazed by what I have been missing.
The speed, resolution and simple clarity of everything strikes me as astonishing. The imaging is fantastic and the transparency of the sound is accentuated by the darkness of the background. In fact, I have been very impressed with how low the surface has become in general.
Of course, these impressions represent a combination of all of the components acting as a system in conjunction with an excellent phono preamp properly loading the cartridge, but I believe the Teres provides the platform for the rest to happen.
I was fortunate to be in a shoot-out between the various Teres turntable components in January, and the 300 series tables clearly exceeded the 200 series tables hands down across categories. That was a concensus opinion I believe.
In fact, it was at that time that I decided against any acrylic TT, leaded or not. This sealed my personal decision.