Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?

Hi, All,

I recently posted about adding a DDC to my DAC (Pontus II 12th, Hermes). I know I need to sync the 2 to make sure I have the right settings. My question is does anyone know if I can rust test tones through Qobuz?


If not what is the best, simplest way to access test tones through my streamer or CD player even as I will have both running through the Hermes (CD via Coax, streamer via USB)?


Thanks, All!


If you are trying to test the I2S connection from DDC to DAC, you can download test tones from this link:


Don't need test tones, user manuals for my dacs and ddc have pin configurations, match them up good to go.

Thank you @otherworld74, but that would require me to connect to my laptop, no? That’s what I was trying to avoid…

I did verify last night that the Audio Line Up Test Tone on Qobuz works when I ran it through my Bluesound Node in my second system. The “Left and Right Sweep” sent tones to each speaker so this should do the trick though my Eversolo! Very excited for that!

@sns Pontus and Hermes did not come with manuals? Alvin from Vinshine has a video for this connection specifically as not all pin connections are the same and some do not work, therefore it’s necessary to test?

Type in Setup and some tracks will show up with test tones in Qobuz.

Good Luck

Pinout 000 worked for me with Denafrips and left and right were fin as well as sound 1st shot out….

I questioned which clocks light need to be on in order to use the DDC clock which I’m assuming is better than the internal clock?

Denafrips Gaia>terminator II