Testicle Tumor

I hope the moderators approve this.
I was diagnosed yesterday with a testicle tumor, I will have surgery on Friday and have my left thing extracted. It will be one week till I know if it's a ''good'' or bad tumor and I'm really scared.
Have any of you gone through this ?...and please if you've lost someone due to this please don't tell me.
Great response Art. Its nice to know there are those here that can help with good, factual info. Nothing puts things in perspective so much as our health and Illness.

Foxtrot, we wish you the very best and Ill be praying for you as you wait. As Dr. Art said,try to take it easy and get some rest, knowing that the odds are indeed with you here.


I have a friend who had both removed and is doing just great? Hang in there and think positive thoughts. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Good Luck.

Thanks a lot guys for your words and support and thanks also to Audiogon for letting me express myself.

I'm trying to stay calm but every now and the ''what if's'' pop up in my mind; I've had great support from my family and friends.
I'm 27 years old and have many dreams that I have to turn into reality, that gives me strenght to fight all this.
Shopping today for a prosthesis was a strange experience.

Thanks again and I'll keep you posted.

What Dr. Art has to say is quite correct. I see a lot of cancer patients (though am not a urologist) so have some experience. The course they are proposing for you is very sensible. You need to find out what it is and then figure out how to proceed from there. Trying to plan a lot before you know the diagnosis can often just be very frustrating so while its reasonable to look on the website but it may just upset you because you don't know the diagnosis. I generally try to focus my patients on the immediate ie figure out what you are dealing with, hear the options and determine which is best for you. Good luck. Happy to help in any way if you have any questions drop me a note.

Gary - what kinda of medicine do you practice? Im a radiologist.

Foxtrot - you take it easy!
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