If you get between 8 and 12 Hz you are done. Put the record away until you change cartridges.
@mijostyn, so you are saying there is NO difference to the 'sound' within this 8-12Hz Band....?
A 50% change is the Resonant Frequency has zero affect on the SOUND...?
But when we get to 13Hz (a mere 8% increase over 12Hz).....you will suddenly hear it?!
The conclusion from this (if it were true) is that it must be a logarithmic progression and the 'sound' will collapse spectacularly at 14Hz, 15Hz, 16Hz......
This is so easy to scientifically prove, there must be dozens of Phd Theses and 'Peer-Reviewed' White Papers on this very subject...?
Unfortunately there is NONE 🧐
Not one....zilch....bupkis....nada.
Oh there are plenty of 'Statements', 'Opinions posing as Fact', even 'unsubstantiated claims' by respected tonearm/turntable/cartridge designers.......
But not one single Peer-Reviewed Scientific White Paper demonstrating the relationship between Resonant Frequency and SOUND...🤯
You claim to have personal experiences to substantiate your convictions, but so do I....
I have literally tested hundreds of different arm/cartridge combinations using the Shure Audio Obstacle Course Test Record to obtain the 'real' Resonant Frequencies of the Arm/Cartridge combinations (theoretical calculations will NEVER be correct as Compliance is a 'moving target' as is Effective Mass).
Now I am NOT saying that there aren't 'differences' in the performances of various cartridges with various arms...🙃
I have spent the last ten years trying to find the 'happy' combinations (see my 'Hear My Cartridges' Thread).....
But the reasons for these differences are multifarious, complex and in many cases.....still unknown to us.
The design and material of the Headshell will have significant effects on the sound in almost ALL cases 🤗
I don't aim to convince you (or anyone else) who holds this misunderstood view of the Cartridge/Arm resonant Frequency 'myth'....
Sleep warm and cuddly with your convictions....
A world of great sounds is forever closed to you 👎
For those who have an open mind....you have nothing to lose by just trying it 🙃
Why wrack your brains getting your knickers in a knot over theoretical calculations when it's just so easy to try it and LISTEN...just as Howardalex did with his FR-66S and Shure?
Life is too short.
Let the music begin.....🎹🎼