The Best Amplifier Ever ?

OK, let's get the straight scoop! Stereophile reviewers want to push the Halcro dm58 (and presumably the dm68) into a newly formed A+ category because it is the best amplifier ever. For a moment, let's assume something like a "best" can exist, at least for one person at a time. Is this the end for all other amps in the proximate price range? Paul Bolin used words like "jaw dropping" and "utter disbelief" -- Oh I know that journalists like that kind of thing, but Mr. Bolin basically says that nothing else comes close to comparison. No contest. Not in the same league. Even in Stereophile, I can't recall something quite that glowing (except maybe for the Boulder 2008 phono preamp). What do you think?
such a question is really academic. the best amp for an electrostatic speaker is not necessarily the best amp for a horn speaker. the best low powered amp for a horn speaker would not drive a magnepan.

what are the criteria for "the best amp" ?

it is better to ask "what is my favorite amp and why" ?

too many of the questions which include the word "best" are so open ended that the answers may not be applicable to all situations.
Rhagen: you forgot to include the Acoustic Reality Thauma Turge mono amps. One audiophile replaced three pairs(!) of his WAVAC SH-833's (which are included in you list) with the Acoustic Realities.

I didn't inclue the Acoustic Reality amps because I don't like them. They sound very detailed but cold and unmusical to me.