Ferrari, we've found that using any number of DVD-ROM RAM Buffered transport equipped players (Denon/Marantz/Esoteric)
run into heavily upgraded DAC even older dacs by Theta, Linn, Monarchy and Krell completely crush any 1 box player we have heard....they sound lightweight small, lacking bass drive, micro and macro dynamics, thin and strident. Trick is using the right SPDIF coaxial interconnect and using an error and jitter-free transport. Based on numerous A-B's we've done, there is no need to rebuild the circuit design with hotglued breadboards and wiring all over the place.
run into heavily upgraded DAC even older dacs by Theta, Linn, Monarchy and Krell completely crush any 1 box player we have heard....they sound lightweight small, lacking bass drive, micro and macro dynamics, thin and strident. Trick is using the right SPDIF coaxial interconnect and using an error and jitter-free transport. Based on numerous A-B's we've done, there is no need to rebuild the circuit design with hotglued breadboards and wiring all over the place.