The APl Hi Fi Dac has been pushed back from its original release date. The overwhelming demand for our NWO 2.5 and 2.5T players staggered us with an avalanche of orders and left Alex little time to begin production of the Dac. For this we apologize . We have restructured the company and have trained a new staff to help us cope with the strong demand for our products and services. Within a few months APl Hi Fi will dramaticaly increase its ability to output our product line , slash turnaround times for upgrades and repairs and produce the many new products that have been in development for years .
One of these products will very likely be a redesign of the Esoteric SA 60 . The APL Hi Fi Dac will also be making its debut in early Fall should all go as planned .
We will be announcing specifics on these and other important changes our Apl Hi Fi forum page very soon .
Brent Rainwater APL Hi Fi
One of these products will very likely be a redesign of the Esoteric SA 60 . The APL Hi Fi Dac will also be making its debut in early Fall should all go as planned .
We will be announcing specifics on these and other important changes our Apl Hi Fi forum page very soon .
Brent Rainwater APL Hi Fi