Milen007, DSD is a fundamentally different way of reading the bits of a disc than PCM. The laser is thinner and the bits are smaller so hence can read more data. XRCD is a recording process, I think owned by JVC, that optimizes the recording and transfer via supreme wordclocking tools. Its a bit technical here, but it fundamentally increases the timing accuracy, which benefits soundstage clarity, micro resolution, tonal definition, providing a more analog listening experience. Diana Krall's Look Of Love is a good example, I have RBCD, SACD and XRCD and the XRCD sounds the most analog of them all, and most satisfying.
I agree with Muralman on the fact that its not really the format, but the recording and transfer process that defines how good it sounds. If both come together than DSD well recorded can sound out of this world, for example the Blue Coast Records ESE sessions is an excellent DSD recording.