The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?

Hi everyone,

There are probably a dozen of threads out there on Isolation/ Vibration footers out there, but there hasn't been thus far one been that combines the following two assumptions:

1. Isolation/ Vibration effectiveness differs per type of component (from source to speaker).
2. The above with Most Popular brands available as per July 2020.

Some of the most recognised brands thus far:
  • Arya Audio
  • Artesania Audio
  • Aurios
  • Black Diamond Racing
  • Critical Mass Systems
  • Gingko
  • Harmonic Resolution Systems
  • Harmonix
  • Iso-Acoustics
  • Shun Mook
  • Silent Running Audio
  • Star Sound Technologies
  • Stillpoints
  • Symposium
  • Townshend

The reason for starting this thread is that in the past few months I have been reading that the Critical Mass Centerstage 2 footers are beating all or most of the above solutions from the other named brands. However, it seems that the Arya Audio Revopods are also beating most of the brands in some high-end select forums and groups as well. 

Do you use and or have/ had any experience with the above and where did you place them and why?

Here is my setup currently.

1. Source/ Network player: Star Sound Technologies Sistrum platform
2. Pre-Amp: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
3. Amplifier: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
4. Power conditioner: Harmonic Resolution Systems Nimbus & HRS platform footers
5. Power supplies for source: Stillpoints
6. Router: Stillpoints
7. Speakers: Stillpoints

I found out that this works the best in my system, but would like to know your experience as I found that using these footers and their effectiveness really depends on the component. Specifically, I would like to hear your experience with Arya Audio and Centerstage 2 footers?
  • Aluminous Audio sells isolation feet that have great results with most equipment and speakers.

Disclaimer - I own Aluminous Audio. Ha! But seriously our Velvet Isolation feet are worth considering.
gsal4 posts07-23-2020 12:02pm
Thanks for that. I tried this, and found that with the app on the highest sensitivity and the phone on top of the rack, there were barely noticeable squiggles with music playing. Suspended wooden floor, 2 heavy layers of soundproofing underneath thick carpet, cheap rack on castors about 18" away from nearest floor standing speaker. Either very small vibrations produce big differences, or need for isolation not as great as I thought. Or sound proofing acts as isolation and I don’t need to add isolation to my potential new rack.
I've experimented with several...Symposium Roller Block Jr, Rollerblock 2 +, Ingress Engineering (Canada), Voo Doo Iso Blocks, Still Points and Synergistic Research MIG's.  All components on 2" or 3" solid maple racks or stands, all with Symposium Svelte Shelf Plus under everything including Ethernet switches and LPS.  I found the Svelte Shelves to be a must....otherwise HF in my small listening room got way too "hot"'s what I found....I love what the Stillpoints do under my pre amp and LPS, under amps and sources too much of a good thing.  I ended up with Ingress Eng. RollerBlock 2's (open faced) under monoblocks (detailed, great bass and smooth), Ingress Eng RollerBlocks (top & bottom piece) under REL Subs, Symposium Rollerblock JR under streamer and SR MIGs under both SR PowerCells.  I tried all styles under all pieces and this combo game me the best detail, focus and largest most open soundstage yet with great tonal density and musicality.  It's easy to swap out any footer and hear the difference.   Good stuff! 
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A/V RoomService EVP (equipment vibration protectors) are very effective and less costly than most of the commercial products listed in this thread.

I haven't tried many of the products listed above but I've found the EVP to work well in all the applications I've tried.

Jim Smith (Get Better Sound), Tom Gibbs (Positive Feedback) and Neil Gader (TAS) have praised their performance in their systems. TAS 2020 Editors Choice Award for what it's worth.