A friend of mine and I went to hear a live big band performance in a pretty good venue. No serious acoustic problems.
We stopped back at my house on the way home and I put on a couple of big band cuts, (Harry James Sheffield) and my friend, a music lover AND an audiophile said, "I'll take your system."
I thought that was interesting. With the sound still rolling around in our heads, he preferred the sound of the CD over the live music.
I can't say I disagreed with him in terms of enjoyment. The balance of the live group, unamplfied of course, was not as well balanced in terms of 'hearing' all the horns, drums etc. Of course Harry's inimitable style is for some, 'love it or hate it', I suppose, with me loving it; but the point was very telling. We've reached a point at which the fidelity, I suppose is good enough to give us a nice 'illusion' at home. All in all a confusing, but fascinating evening.