The best speaker cables you’ve had

Simply put, the best you’ve owned and/or heard.


Recently installed Anticables Flex 4.2 Bi Wire speaker cables just to try one more time to improve my sound after a 40 year history of owning and experimenting with just about every type of cable design available. Cost no object to extreme value…extreme technology to simplest design, ultra pure to off the spool hardware store offerings. All I can say is that you must experience the Anticables Flex 4.2 cables in your system for two very good reasons…a hassle free 30 day trial period so there is no price pressure to effect your evaluation of the cables in YOUR system. Secondly, they will most likely re define what you thought was the most stunningly realistic musical connection you have ever heard! They defy criticism and completely suspend that critical part of the audiophile brain that seems compelled to find fault with even the deepest biases and securely held beliefs we have fused into our auditory DNA. The Flex 4.2 cables will completely immerse you and infuse your aural soul with that special thrill and sense of childlike wonder you once felt…that feeling of discovery and utter satisfaction you had when you first experienced true Hi Fidelity Sound. Music becomes so intensely beautiful and pure, so vividly seductive and corporeal, that all artifice is removed and what is rendered before you is pure auditory ecstasy! Everything just snaps into place in all the right measures to create a totally authentic and immersive experience that even my jaded ears thought was impossible to obtain. I am gobsmacked and I am at peace ☮️

From a lot of recent personal experience- there is no ONE best cable. Highly system dependent

To some degree a system may favor a certain type of cable…or may be compensating for very aspects of its performance, or lack thereof.  

Your own



…something you can hold in your hands

relieves all your cares!


- Depeche Mode Audio Cables Redux