The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
all audiophile systems are continously in a state of evolvolution..or should be but my current system is the best i have heard...aloia 13.01 inductive amps(2)..aloia preamp..scd-1...dodson217mkIId dac...von schweikert vr5 speakers (vertically biamped) tekne interconnects and speaker cables...ps300...viper2 powercords to scd-1 and dodson dac and old speakers ..aliante pininfarina ones wrere also great with this system and were biamped.
I am going to vent here a little bit so bear with me.I have sold most things under the sun and as far as electronics are concerned Nothing I repeat NOTHING is even close to Gryphon period!!!Now some of you may say..well that is just your opionion....granted but I base my opionion on a sound that is as NATURAL as we can acheve with today's technologies.Rowlands??..sorry but..NOT..Krell or Levenson...I won't even take them on trade in!!Audio Research??..NOT.(Audio Recap)..all you have to do is send your unit in and we'll put these beter caps in and it will sound soo much better..Hey Joe,mabe we should have put these caps in in the begaining..No matter,better..yes..but still far far away from Gryphon.Wavestream..ok.. A hell of alot better than Any other tube gear...still not a Gryphon.Since 94 when I first recieved my first Gryphon they have been the raining champions.In fact as far as solid state is concern I do not believe anyone has even surpast Gryphon's first amp the DM100 back in the late 80's.Hey what about Spectral..It just doesn't seem to have enough of a human element for a natural sound.Speakers??.. there's a can of worms..If a large speaker is not a problem it has to be Martin Logan Statements...period!!...getting back to a more user friendly as far as size is concern I have 3,Venture,Avalon,Artimis in that order.Of all these speakers I only sell the Ventures.Wire there are two Gryphon for silver and MAC wire for copper lovers sell the Ventures.Turntables..3,Goldmond Referance, Rockport Technologies and the Kuzma referance.Tonearms??.. Air tangent and Graham.Cartriges??..Cardas heart,Koetsu Rosewood series,trasconfiguration.If anyone has any brands they would like a reply to feel free to E-mail me at DBA,Sound Decisions..for those who can hear the differance.Gryphon web site is Gryphon-audio.DK I did not mean to step on anyones toes.
What a refreshing surprise: A dealer who likes what he sells, and doesn't like what he happens not to carry! Hope I didn't stamp your toes too hard...
Sound_decisions Thanks for the input. If I hadn't heard such an absolute opinion on specific gear at least 50 times prior to yours, I might believe you. Your opinion is quite compelling, especially to the uninitiated. I say to you this, it is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I DID once hear a Gryphon amp, to what speakers I don't remember, at the 1994 Stereophile show. It was a ho hum run of the mill demo but then again it was an audio show. And as to Carl's remarks concerning yours it reminds me of a recent encounter I had with a dealer who recommended one product (which he so happened to be a dealer of, surprise, surprise) over another product that was universally accepted in the market. I went with his recommendation. The unit was sent back in short order. So to you I say reproduced audio and real music are different. Tastes will vary from individual to individual as to what gear will make music sound real or for that matter more enjoyable. There are no absolutes, sorry!
Here's a tip,when you go to a show almost everything is new out of the box.There has never been a room in 15 years that sounds impressive in my opinion.I also sell Aerial and their rooms have always been dark and unresolving.So the next time you go to a show take it with a grain of salt,If a system sounds good to you at a show it may not sound that good after break-in.As for a dealer that likes his own product this is true, but I had a long road to get there you see, I tried many brands to try to compete with the Gryphon gear(Balanced Audio,Threshold,Rowland,Audio Research,L.A. audio from Denmark,Jolida,Audio Inovations,McCormack,Simaudio,YBA,Naim,Melos)and came up with some wonderful sounds,all I am saying is I believe if you live with a piece of Gryphon,you'll never want anything else.I stand behind everything I sell if your not happy I will take it back.Gryphon dose not come back.It is the most tonealy correct gear out there today.