The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Hi Sound_decisions. Mike is doing fine. I have had the pleasure of listening to the Gryphon stuff and I think Sound_decisions has made a sound decision in in his choice of ss electronics. Hey S_d do I know you? S_d I agree with your post above.I would like to add that the Gryphon integrateds are better than most seperates in the same price range. Good stuff
I have built a number of systems, each of which had their strong points. My first system in 1974 was actually scary good, especially on a cost basis. I had a Philips GA212 table with a Shure Type III playing through a Sherwood 8900 receiver(60 w/ch FM only) into two Hartley Zodiacs(10" 2-way bass reflex cabinets) in my UNM dorm room and the sound from a good album was incredible. The bass slam, pace, tonality, and imaging were first rate, while the soundstage was at least adequate. Not as delicate as some systems, but an overall winner. Through headphones the sound was even better, a credit to the front end quality. For a total investment of under $ 800, I cry to think how sweet it was! Acoustics were in my favor, as the room was somewhat octagonal(no parallel reflections) and placing the speakers in the corner really got the bass down to 30 HZ or less without much rolloff. When Townsend hit the first guitar chords, and Entwhistle bass kicked in on Pinball Wizard, you were there! Some days I would trade all my current high-end gear to get that immediacy back. Or were my ears just better than? Na-a-h-h. It was real.
Ther is one gryphon dealer that I know of in chaicago. They are a midfi store more geared to HT but they had a Gryphon set-up with Dynaudio Evidence speakers. It was in a poor location in the store, but the combination sounded very good. The electronics were $350,000!!! Where are you located. Please send me private e-mail. Thanks, David
Rayhall, sorry for the slow response. Do you and everyone else want the full blown details on the Callisto and all the tests? Otherwise, I can give you my e-mail address and/or telephone number.
Albert, It never occurred to me that noone else would be interested. I should have your email address, and I will email you tonight or tomorrow. Thanks,