A thought from a different perspective. When there is high barometric pressure pushing on the eardrum treble clarity is reduced. During periods of low barometric pressure treble clarity/harshness is increased. Next time you are listening on a sunny/high pressure day just equalize your ears like you would when you fly on a jet airliner or scuba dive (hold your nose, close your mouth, and blow outward). You will experience an increased level of treble extension. As to your question: the British sound is the result of studies commissioned by the British government as to how to make natural sounds, not laid back, mellow and un-aggressive. The result was the BBC monitor produced by companies like Spendor, Harbeth, Sterling, etc. Upfront, etched and aggressive sound is the trademark sound (regardless of nationality) from manufacturers trying to create something which is actually unnatural but distinctive in order to attract customers, thereby creating the need for AudiogoN.