Dear pindac, I think that you have no understanding of damper function
in connection with coil former. The coil is pressed against damper
with tension wire. So tension wire ''center'' the cantilever. Those two
srews on the generator are connected with tension wire, By pressing
one or the other side the cantolever position can be changed. Aka
''corrected''. Otherwise their function would be incomprehensible,
Today my son and I checked the Agaat with ''deviant cantlever''
iby playing records. The stylus is straith in the grooves, Ergo the
grooves center the cantllever. The coill / damper combo follow
the stylus in the groove. Those are very ''small'' presures . Try
to move the stylus /cantilever with very smal pressure to see
how ''elastic'' they are . In most cases 2 g VTF is used . This
actully cqn;t be called ''weight''.