The Emperor Has No Clothes!!

Read a post the other day where someone characterized a server/streamer as “sweet and tube-like sounding”.  It read like a parody.  Am thinking of starting a company based on tube rectified power supply for network switch.  Crowd funding?

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@lalitk Agreed! make it .04 cents now. 

 Based on @mdalton posts, I don’t see why anyone should give any credence to OP opinions on streamer/server…he is a hard core Vinyl enthusiast and he will never pursue or ever concede to a notion that a SOTA streamer/server can outperform a Vinyl setup. Just my .02 cents. 

+1 Carlsbad.  Everybody wants to sound like a professional audio reviewer.  The language is overwrought.


It is absolutely not personal, but my apology stands.  The irony is that my system reflects a complete lack of dogma, including with respect to measurements.  I do tubes and vinyl for goodness sakes!  I know that the amp in my big rig has a rated signal to noise ratio of “>90 db”.  Compare that to the Benchmark or the newest stuff from Simaudio where it’s something north of 120 db.  I also know that tubes are inherently more susceptible to noise and I choose to live with both of those limitations, cuz I just love my gear!  What I don’t do is try to argue that my stuff is better, or more resolving, than everybody else’s.  I know better.

But I have developed a passion with respect to the network switch/server/streamer end of things because that’s where I believe there is the greatest amount of misinformation in our hobby.  I do not doubt that most of the people responsible for this misinformation - including you - believe very strongly in what they say.  But as a long-time audiophile -even longer than my car passion - I feel an obligation to continue to share my views - respectfully - in order to help others in our hobby.

One of my favorite management aphorisms is: “Don’t always believe what you think.”  It’s a really good lesson to us all.


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