"The End of The Road"

I've decided that the "End of the Road" for me is:  Legacy Audio Aeris!!!

Nothing I've heard has the resolution, texture and tenor of low bass, mids, and highs, coupled with the soundstage and imaging.

So that's it for me... 

How about you?

Tomic601; it's pretty hard to beat the Vandersteen 7s.  Those speakers are pretty special I have to say. I'm trying very hard to never get to the end of the road.  I'm pretty happy with my system, but one never knows do one?  So, if the opportunity comes and I'm not broke afterwards, who know?  Vandersteen 7s maybe, Martin Logan Neolith or Statement 2s.


bassdude, got to admit,  your choice of Legacy Audio Aeris is a great one. I am a huge Legacy fan, and own 3 sets of their speakers. I have yet found ANY speaker in their price range that can touch them and the Aeris are in a class by them self, ( I'm sure someone will disagree) and one day soon I intend to add a pair to my collection...

Hope you enjoy your Legacy's and congrats on a GREAT speaker....Oh, by the way, what finish did you get...I love their Rosewood finish....
It’s a very long road and you never know what’s going to run across in front of you.  I thought a pair of ML CLX - with a pair of ML Descent I subs was it -  so I threw out the boxes -  

Still very happy with everything I’ve built around these speakers - but I tagged along with a friend to audition a pair PMC MB2SE speakers - and realized I’m not done yet !   We both ended up buying a pair 

ETA is still a few weeks away - but this time I’m keeping the boxes !  

Will likely toy around with triamping and DSP cross over management - should keep me contentu for a couple years 

Must say - I enjoy the journey and if / when it ends - part of the fun will end as well - they say “ a change is as good as a rest”  I guess I must be restless