The Evolution of Modern Jazz

Shadorne's thread "Outstanding Examples of Musicianship" inspired me to begin this thread. While Shadorne stated that all genre's were welcome, I felt that me and another jazz aficionado were beginning to dominate that thread. Shadorne is a "Rocker", bless his heart. This community functions best when like minded people engage in common dialogue.

The title explains this thread. We will use "youtube" the same as in Shardone's thread to illustrate our examples, and now I begin.

In the beginning, there was Charlie "Bird" Parker, and he said "Let there Be Bop" and thus it began. While walking down the street, Bird ran into John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie, who had similar ideas, so they "Bopped" down the street together; Bird on alto sax and Diz on trumpet. My first illustration of this new music is "Bloomdido" with Bird and Diz. We should cover "Be Bop" in depth before we go to the next phase of this evolution.
Taking your argument to its logical conculsion, would mean that Armstrong, Ellington, Coltrane and all the rest actually played 'world Jazz' since they played on planet earth.
I distrust anything or any concept with the word 'Peoples" or 'World' in it. Reminds me of the commies, or the whacky so-called governments in the third world.
Let me put this trolly back on it's intended track. "Latin smooth Jazz" is the title of this youtube link, it offers romantic guitar and beautiful photography.

Next we have Duke Ellington in a very unusual mode. This music is at the very roots of "JAZZ", it has the flavor of Harlem and Africa, plus the pure "JAZZ" sound of the Duke of Ellington; I give you "Afrique".
'Let me put this trolly back on it's intended track. "Latin smooth Jazz" is the title of this youtube link, it offers romantic guitar and beautiful photography.'

I would agree this as an example of so-called 'Smooth Jazz' or elavator music. Sort of superficial. Dose not demand the listeners undivided attention. Try listening without looking at the pictures. The pictures were great.
'Next we have Duke Ellington in a very unusual mode. This music is at the very roots of "JAZZ", it has the flavor of Harlem and Africa, plus the pure "JAZZ" sound of the Duke of Ellington; I give you "Afrique".'

I recently purchased this CD. I like it very much, however I am not aware of any or at least hardly any contribution to music that is indigenous to Africa. I have several CDs by african artist, but they are just Africans singing 20th century pop music. I sometime think we associate music with different parts of the world and different cultures, based upon the soundtracks of hollywood movies. Thanks for the links, esp to the Duke.