It isn't just audio protection folks. I put in a Whole house surge protector after a brown out fried (in the middle of a California summer) all the control electronics in our AC/heat pumps. Our forebears were tougher than us and lived with no AC on days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38C for you @bigtwin). An AudioQuest Niagara guards audio equipment. So there's that.
The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing
In the late 1990s I installed my first electric panels. Mostly for the sake of running a safe woodworking workshop but also to enable the multiple window units and my partner and my offices, plus the TV and stereo, of course.
At that time whole house surge protectors were available but not required. Being an IT guy in a storm prone area of course I went for it. Otherwise however breakers were rather similar to those from the original mid 1960s versions. I mean, I’m sure there were improvements in panel technology and how breakers were manufactured but for the home there were really only two aspects you needed to care about:
- Current capacity
- Poles (1 or 2)
And for the home owner that’s were things stood for almost 40 years. In the last 20 years though much has changed. Arc fault (AFCI or CAFCI) first required in 2002 for bedrooms. Now (since 2017) they are required practically everywhere in a home. Whole house SPDs (surge protectors) are required from 2020.
Most recently, the 2023 NEC greatly expanded the use of Ground Fault (GFCI) protection. GFCI’s which were limited to kitchen and bath outlets are now required for your washer and dryer, microwave, range, dishwasher and (in my case) garbage disposal. Take a look at any modern panel. You’ll see 4 different types of breakers:
- Old fashioned
- GFCI (white test button)
- CAFCI (dark blue test button)
- Combined GFCI + CAFCI (pale blue test button)
And outlets? Have you noticed weather resistant (WR, 2008) or tamper resistant (TR, 2008) requirements? In addition to GFCI requirements. Sheesh. It’s a marvel any electrician can keep them all straight, let alone a home owner.
Of all these improvements though the only one I'd suggest you rush out and get is the whole house surge suppressor unless your breaker panel is running 40 years old in which case a replacement may be a good idea soon.
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- 56 posts total
@bigtwin Silly me, I forgot Canadians listen to audio equipment too. :) |
@jpwarren58 - Neither the GFCI nor CAFCI breakers help with electrical surges. The first reduces fatalities from electric shocks especially around wet areas, while CAFCI reduces fires which may start in a wall. While the statistical evidence of reduced deaths and structure fires is clear no one sells them as lightning or surge devices. Protecting your appliances and home wiring from lightning and power line surges however is what a whole house surge protector should do. Now, as far as whole house surge protectors, yes, protecting appliances from power surges is what they should do. Keep in mind that no protection is perfect, but we often look to the worst case scenarios to prove something doesn’t work. Like seat belts. Any first responder working through the 1990s will tell you the mandatory seat belt laws meant they were rescuing more accident victims and picking up fewer bodies than they used to. Traffic fatalities have dropped about 50% since states started adopting mandatory seat belt requirements, but it's also true that traffic fatalities do occur. The question I ask people is whether you know when you are going to get into a car accident or not. If you do, then sure, don't wear a seat belt until you know you are going to be in an accident. Otherwise put it on at all times. I also happen to live in the SC lowcountry and a whole house unit was the first thing I installed here, but they do have their limitations. All whole house units have relatively high let-through voltages. I wrote about the technical differences at length here. To make a long story short, your most delicate devices may still need a good surge protector. I lost a MacBook Air I left charging overnight through a thunderstorm, forgot all about it, but the multiple PC’s and electronics I have on surge strips didn’t even notice. I also have about 50 devices which are permanently connected which I can’t surge protect. ~ 20 automated light switches, 4 HVAC units, 7 major kitchen appliances, the hot water heater, fire alarms, etc. Also, many of these devices have become more delicate. Mechanical timers have given way to computerized circuits throughout the kitchen and laundry area.
I’m in Missouri and have never heard of needing whole house anything and I can use a 29cent receptacle anywhere except for within 6’ of water. I just had a couple of rooms added to the house and I had to get a 100amp sub panel. The only thing I noticed that was different was that the buttons on the 110 outlets were both white instead of (red and black)in the new laundry room. I also had to rebuild a bathroom ( no fun at all!) and I was required to use the same 110 plug with the white buttons. |
While diaphragm gas meters are commonplace, your gas company should be actively looking to replace them as smart meters provide remote billing and can detect leaks. Kind of a thing nowadays ensure a house doesn't blow up! There is evidence that home gas explosions are on the rise and gas utility companies are held responsible for leaks that cause those explosions. And, of course, insurance companies pay for those damages so gas companies are on the hook to fix their own issues; not the homeowner. If explosions are up, insurance companies know it, and unless the gas utility upgrades their meters, their insurance premiums will go up, forcing change. Your gas company should be actively looking to replace those meters and would be required to install it 3 feet or more away from the electrical meter to meet today's code requirements. While my house was built in 2011, our natural gas company just last week sent us a notice that they will replace the diaphragm meters this year; and ours in particular in just a couple of weeks. You should have a grandfather clause on your meter location and while it may not be up to code at this time, they cannot (IMHO) force a homeowner to fix a code issue, especially when the utility must be the one to do the work. It is their network; their risk. If I had the issue you have, I would call the gas company and tell them you sometimes smell gas outside your home and would like it checked out. That should get the ball rolling quite quickly to have your meter replaced. |
- 56 posts total