"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


There is a solid basis for love in nature and we are not the only animals that love.


But here you are right ...😊

Love and cooperation are the basis of society and even of nature...

Darwin has not see all there is to see ...

Pitirim Sorokin book is now forgotten but it was the greatest sociologist of his time and wrote about cooperation all along history and about the 5 dimensions of love in his mammoth book "Social and cultural dynamics" ... ..



"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"

The mystery of sound has been around since well, the big bang. It was only recently in the scheme of time that man took sound and made sonic drills. There’s no way that there are no more mysteries of sound to be found. That is pure absolutist thinking.

When I was 35, many years ago I volunteered for a blood pressure study at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. They wanted to scientifically measure the effects of ’Transcendental Meditation’ on blood pressure. We had a doctor of medicine who had studied under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who brought ’Transcendental Meditation’ to the western world.

We practiced focus, breathing, stretching and other relaxation techniques to learn how to settle the mind/thoughts. After about 1 week we all got our ’Mantra’, which is a sound that was given to us in audible form. We were then told to repeat our mantra’s to ourselves in thought only - while employing the relaxation techniques.

These techniques were/are apart of the Indian culture for thousands of years and yet it took thousands of years to apply it scientifically to the western world. Oh boy did it lower our blood pressure and more importantly without any meds! I still use this un-audible form of meditation to this day.

If there are no Mysteries Of Sound (in Mysticism) would someone please explain to me how an UN-AUDIBLE SOUND can have such a dramatic and profound affect on our entire human physiology and psychology?

@mahgister, the world would so boring if we only had elitist scientist as a knowledge base. Thank GOD we have the Magi to give ancient writings of life’s wonders and gives us older folks the bright light of wonderment that we had when we were just a child!




Obviously, my point that music, as a thing in human experience, is only partially explained when it is jotted down on a staff, still stands.  
Just because we can read The Brothers Karamazov doesn’t mean we can scientifically explain the breadth and power of that work.  
Just because we can look at Head IV by Francis Bacon doesn’t mean we can scientifically explain why it is such a powerful work.  
Music can indeed be transcribed.  
So what?  
The little figures on a page don’t come close to really describing the human experience of listening to music. 

Music is not a science.  
It is an art.

@mahgister Happy Holidays to you!

Happy Holidays to all!!


Maybe in Indian music and other forms I am not familiar with, but western music is highly structured and deliberate, anything but mystical.

Obviously you’ve never listened to recording artists Gábor Szabó, Lonnie Liston Smith, Sun Ra, Earth Wind and Fire and so many others from the ’Age of Aquarius’. Heck even George Clinton had a Mothership!

Great posts tyray...+2

We cannot prove anything important if we cannot create the world where what is important can be perceived to begin with ...

Philistine dont perceive mystery nor beauty, they trivialize it ... Or they reduce any myth to a comic book status... They dont understand myths nor creative imagination and they reduce mathematical concepts to mere computations ... Their idea of thinking resemble ideas of an accountant ...

By the way i love sun Ra,Lonnie Smith and Gabor Szabo...

And  mijostyn forgot  that the huge choral works of many centuries before Bach is completely mystical in his music ...It is impossible to listen to Josquin Des Prez or Hildegard of Bingen without entering meditative state and even ectasy...

Great post Tylermunns +2



Obviously, my point that music, as a thing in human experience, is only partially explained when it is jotted down on a staff, still stands.
Just because we can read The Brothers Karamazov doesn’t mean we can scientifically explain the breadth and power of that work.

Confusing meanings with letters , Intelligence with A. I. , science and knowledge with technology is the symptom of our dying materialism era, culminating in transhumanism hubris...