The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
Halcro, did you try the Palladian in another arm? Dirk Sommer who wrote the HIFI Statement review used a Thales Simplicity and an Acoustical Systems Aquilar on a Brinkman LaGrange. He said the cart is his analog discovery of the year.

Quite a statement Fleib...
It seems he was more struck with the Aquilar/Palladian combo that the Simplicity.
Is that how you read the review?

Dietrich was elaborating on the important elements of tonearm design because resonance is but a small factor....
He says the key to tonearm design is the ability to accelerate and optimise energy transfer without getting into self-( by the tracking process...) stimulated resonances in the audible frequency band.
That's why it is about a WORKING spring-mass system and about using materials with superior propagation speed.Thats why it is about using bearings with ultra-low STARTING friction and as hard coupled bearings as possible.
So far I've only tried the Palladian in the FR-66s tonearm..
Seems a perfect match...😎
Reading the review - Dirk Sommer did not set the Palladian on the Simplicity tonearm. Why not? Sure would have been a more interesting and relevant review.

He seemed to just compare the AS combo with the Simplicity with Trans Rotor/My Sonic Lab cartridge.

My mistake about the arms. Apparently Brakemeier set up the cart on the Aquilar for Sommer. 

**But when I return to the Palladian......I realise that this one cartridge  combines every great attribute of all the wonderful cartridges I adore, into a single whole.
And then adds another dimension...
If I had only one cartridge......this would be it‼️**

Is this love or infatuation?  We have an idea of what Halcro likes in a cartridge. He listed some of his favorites in another post and has been discussing this here and on other forums.

Seems to me there is a difference in presentation between many MM and MC carts. You know what I'm referring to, an immediacy, a straightforward sound in contrast to a more soundstagey perspective. Of course not all carts conform, but we know what OP likes.

So far, there is no perfect cart and I doubt if this is. I'm guessing the trade off is harmonic detail, texture and layering. Being able to unravel the Stephen Stills or Respighi implies omission, like the natural sounding presentation of a 103 with it's aluminum cantilever and conical tip. Of course this has a shibata and varnish on the cantilever which makes it special.

I don't mean to imply this is not a great cart, but why the deceptions on the web site?  I read about the arm and it says uni din can only be achieved on the 2 AS arms and it is the intellectual property of Brakemeier.  Maybe their English is misstated, but the first part is an outright lie.  63.3 & 112.5mm are probably the easiest to achieve on any adjustable arm, regardless of factory alignment. 

Raul is absolutely right about this one. This alignment is Loefgren B moved closer to the label.  I posted the comparison months ago on Audio Circle. Maybe Brakemeier means that if you use this alignment you're using his intellectual property and it's a no-no.  Either way he would be well advised to remove that nonsense from the site.  It's been my experience that people who can afford this stuff aren't stupid, but they might not care if the product does what they want.

So far, there is no perfect cart and I doubt if this is. I'm guessing the trade off is harmonic detail, texture and layering. Being able to unravel the Stephen Stills or Respighi implies omission,

Are you really saying that being able to enjoy a previously unlistenable record means that the cartridge is leaving something out, effectively hiding the flaws of the record?