The Placebo Effect

One of the things that should be taken into account in the evaluation of audio equipment, tweaks, etc is the Placebo Effect.

In the medical world, Placebos (open label or concealed) appear to mostly work on subjective symptoms, such as pain. They don’t work on an objective symptom — something a doctor could see or diagnose, such as a fracture on a bone. Placebos don’t shrink tumors, they don’t change your diabetes, and they’re not going to actually lower your blood pressure for more than 15 minutes, Basically, placebos appear to work on things that pass through the brain’s perceptual systems — where they can prompt the release of opioids and other endorphins (chemicals that reduce pain) in the brain. Bottom line, placebos can result in perceived improvement even where no actual improvement exists.

The same applies to our hobby. Probably too often, we sense improvement in SQ because of the Placebo Effect. Our money spent, hardware bias's, effective marketing, or being influenced by the experience of others (regardless if true), often have us believe that we have obtained improvements that don't really exist. This is not necessarily a bad thing because a perceived improvement, whether real or imagined is still an improvement to the listener. This may explain part of why certain "improvements" can't be measured. 

Tell the scientists the brain measurements mean nothing, not me,
djones do you read my post? you distorted my sentence to fill your (.....) fill the blank with what you want.....

This is my COMPLETE sentence:

« Brain measurements means nothing without a CORRELATION with a perception if we speak about hearing...»

Then i expect apology from you for your mistake in citation, or perhaps it is not a mistake but a tactic ?

After that "mistake" citing my post, you go on repeating what i just said like if i was not saying it in the first place.... i called this a CORRELATION and for sure a correlation must be between brain measure and hearing phenomenon ...
The main point was the ability to image the brain in order to understand the regions associated with the phenomenon.
Finally you ended with the strawman usual fallacy of saying a common place evident fact erroneously SUGGESTING that i was refusing it....NOBODY REFUSE MEASUREMENTS....NOBODY REFUSE USEFUL TOOL....


THE POINT IS MEASUREMENTS ARE NOT ENOUGH.....they must be interpreted and they cannot be interpreted without a model but they cannot be used to successfully reduce hearing phenomenon to only one temporary model.... Map is not reality....

Psychoacoustic cannot be reduced to physical acoustic.... Even with an A.I. simulation.... Save for transhumanist cultist....

Is it more clear with big letters?
Two easy tests at home alone:

Is there a big grin on your face? 
Can you now make out more of the words of songs that were just garbage earlier?

If yes, no placebo is doing it. 

Best wishes
"I'm addicted to placebos. I'd quit, but it wouldn't make any difference." - Steven Wright
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