The right amp for Martin Logan Ascents

Okay folks, somebody give me some good suggesions for good amps to mate with the Martin Logan Ascents. Experiences don't necessarily have to be with the Ascents, just recent models (SL3s come to mind) . The setup will server double duty in a home theater, so it's SS for now. Here's a list of current considerations:

--Spectral DMA 150 (possibly an older model)
--Aragon 8008BB (IMO this amp is incredible for the price)
--Plinius SA-100
--McCormack DNA-125

Any input would be appreciated.
I used a PS Audio 100c w/125wpc in 8-ohms and 200wpc in 4-ohms. You need to select a high currant amp. This is a budget alternative to higher end high currant amps like ML, Krell amps. I used this amp on a pair of sequel II for 9-years,plenty of sound. I placed my PS Audio amp and sequels in classifids if you interested. I upgraded to a ML336 amp to run Martin Logan Prodigy speakers. A great set of high dollar speaker cable make a big differance.
Well Inever had a pair of Ascents but I did had a pair of Sequels,as for a Solid State amp i would recommend the Conrad Johnson MOSFETs amp.Or Threshold power amps,they go very well with Logans,and that is my opinion.
YBA amplifiers work great with Martin Logans (minimum YBA 2 HC). You may to try Simaudio W5 or W10 as well.
out of the amps you mentiond ,the mccormick is the one. but i would say tubes of course. the little bat may be a good choice . how much do you want to spend? not only are tubes more detailed than ss but they are more lifelike. i run tubes in my theater as well.