Is any body going?

I'm  gonna go with a buddy. I was hoping Herron Audio was gonna be there but not this time. I am looking forward to a more thorough checking out of Ocean Ways speakers. These left me pretty blown away the last time I went albeit with a quick listen. Other than that just gonna cruz O.pen in the old shirt pocket and enjoy some music live and recorded played on world class gear. 15$ and real tastyfood(ie) trucks outside for the post show sustenance ya can't go wrong. These youngins today think they are so hip. I'll take this over anywhateverfest with drunk aholes trying to hit on my wife, pick a fight, and general pushing and shoving, any day. Walk away with some nice vinyl and call it a day. 

I will be going all  3 days, and still will want more. Disappointed that Esoteric factory will not be there. Will spend time in the High Fidelity room with Rick.
Enjoy Pete
This is the big one. For once in my life I'm going and for all 3 days. What the heck, it's only 2000 miles. C'mon Mapman, meet you at BWI.
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