@turnbowm - which Bryston do you have?
- I have the B135 integrated - great value and quality.
I find your approach is very sound (’scuse the pun)...
My experience has been that (most) all components will benefit from a better power cable.
Since I make my own cables that use a Helix cable geometry (i.e. I do not simply add connectors to bulk cable) and I use them on all my components, so I did not even try the stock power cable that came with my Bryston.
- But it looked pretty standard, so I do believe it would impact the overall sound - to some extent.
Selection of "the right cable" is the challenge and most of the brands out there are not up to this task.
One brand I do regard as "worthy" for amps of this quality is Nordost. - Even so, I would probably select one of their higher end models.
As always, it all depends on how much one is willing to spend on this insane hobby.
Happy Listening - Steve
- I have the B135 integrated - great value and quality.
I find your approach is very sound (’scuse the pun)...
So, I purchased one of the better performing (and more expensive) cords for my Ayre and another inexpensive cord for the LTA, saving myself several hundred dollars in the process."And for components of the quality level of Bryston and LTA, one would need the very best power cables to achieve discernible improvements and that equates to $$$
My experience has been that (most) all components will benefit from a better power cable.
Since I make my own cables that use a Helix cable geometry (i.e. I do not simply add connectors to bulk cable) and I use them on all my components, so I did not even try the stock power cable that came with my Bryston.
- But it looked pretty standard, so I do believe it would impact the overall sound - to some extent.
Selection of "the right cable" is the challenge and most of the brands out there are not up to this task.
One brand I do regard as "worthy" for amps of this quality is Nordost. - Even so, I would probably select one of their higher end models.
As always, it all depends on how much one is willing to spend on this insane hobby.
Happy Listening - Steve