The two stages of audiophilia

1. Compulsively and fanatically build the best audio system you are able to and can afford.

2. Sit back, listen to MUSIC and enjoy your system.
Working towards Sit back, listen to MUSIC and enjoy your system but still trying new speakers that seem to be a good fit. I've downsized the amp while still retaining sufficient quality for low to moderate listening downsized the listening levels as well.
So, a small Keces e40 class ab amp and I mean small, a Topping D70s dac and now looking for smaller speakers that don't fall too far off from what I have now...hardest part to replace btw. 
Stage 2 is the Honeymoon after finding Miss Bitchin'.

Stage 3 is.... well its after the honeymoon and when maybe a wandering eye catches hold of something you wish you had in stage 1.

Temptation is the root of all evil......
touchy subject!

my pareto:

1) music
2) quality of analog and digital source
3) room speaker integration
4) speakers or earphones
5) power amp + pre amp

price of gears does not always connected directly to quality of sound reproduction! there are many different analog and digital sound design philosophies to consider, in many cases accomplishing similar audio results. many ultra-expensive gears have “chic looking front panel”, and accomplish only Dr. FeelGood goals!
What's the matter with Audiophiles there never happy with there included...Most of us listen with our Eyes....which is s situation where your never happy even when you have a killer system....