@roxy54 ... Well, that's kind of the nature of the OP's opening gambit.
There's as many ways and means to approach and respond to it as there is the equipment we amass to listen to that we enjoy.
One can have a mega$ system that rivals the cost of a Really Nice Car.
Or, it can be that which one has collected over a period of time...used, new, diy'd, tweaked to taste, and fitted to one's tastes and budget.
Noting the plethora of posts you've made, and the amount you've read (or ignored) over the hours you've threaded @ A'gon, I'd suspect that the norm that you've seen endlessly debated, argued, 'imho'd, on & anon....
The good is kept, until it isn't; 'twas always thus, and likely to remain.
Another mirror of the human condition, tube or ss, analog or digital of late. Perfection is always just at one's fingertips, just short of grasp...
...but that's my excuse, and I'll keep my own version of it. ;)
*clink* Cheers....*S*
There's as many ways and means to approach and respond to it as there is the equipment we amass to listen to that we enjoy.
One can have a mega$ system that rivals the cost of a Really Nice Car.
Or, it can be that which one has collected over a period of time...used, new, diy'd, tweaked to taste, and fitted to one's tastes and budget.
Noting the plethora of posts you've made, and the amount you've read (or ignored) over the hours you've threaded @ A'gon, I'd suspect that the norm that you've seen endlessly debated, argued, 'imho'd, on & anon....
The good is kept, until it isn't; 'twas always thus, and likely to remain.
Another mirror of the human condition, tube or ss, analog or digital of late. Perfection is always just at one's fingertips, just short of grasp...
...but that's my excuse, and I'll keep my own version of it. ;)
*clink* Cheers....*S*