Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
Let me jump in if I may.

Take my remarks with the proverbial grain of salt since I do not own the 7.2s But I will say that one of the GREATEST listening experiences I've had was a system using Krell FPB-650mc monoblocks to drive CS-7.2s.

I'm not a big fan of Krell nor am I a "basher", but this setup was simply breathtaking. The sound possessed "reach out and touch it" realism.

The rest of the system was equally high-end with all Krell Reference electronics and Nordost Valhalla cabling.

On another sidenote, I would have to agree about the CS-6s being easier to drive as I had the opportunity to hear them at another dealer driven by BAT VK-60 monoblocks with good results, but NOTHING like the Krell/CS-7.2 setup.
Thank you Gullahisland, actually the Krell are suggested from Thiel factory: probably the combo is very successful even if a lot of people don't love the Krell sound. Now I'm a little inclined to buy a Pass amps, the X600 in particular, probably with less slam in the bottom end but, I hope , more musical.

For the record, Theta Digital's amps are not "digital" amps. Their name just happens to be Theta Digital.
I listened to the Pass Labs X600 with the BAT VK 51 SE about a month ago. I use the same three cds when I demo new equipment so that I can immediatly distinguish the difference to the gear I previously auditioned. I am currently setting up a listening session using a CJ premier LS 16 tube/pre amp with a ss Plinius SA250 (pure class A). I hope to do this before my trip to Thiel this Friday so I can compare it to their setup. Like I said before the combo of the Pass&BAT was breathtaking but I am going to continue my search for the Holy Grail.