Thank you for your prompt answers. I would not go as far as calling "dumping" the 3I, that's taking it to personal. If you read my thread carefully, I simply stated that I was thinking of replacing the 3I, and any suggestions would be welcome. Personally, I've always wanted a 5I, and the fact that it does offer more resolution, transparency, detail, bass extension, air, and a better soundstaging, may be the way to go. Improving isn't that what we strive for? As far as single ended connections, it does not pause a problem, because the 3I that I own, is Balanced throughout.
As far as swapping the tubes, I'll give it a try. Thank you for the infos. I welcome any suggestions, and thank you for your helpful inputs.
As far as swapping the tubes, I'll give it a try. Thank you for the infos. I welcome any suggestions, and thank you for your helpful inputs.