Thinking of moving to a Headphone system, thoughts

Ok, times are rough, money is tight. I love my system, but am kind tired of lugging it around with far I have moved my system from Nebraska to Texas and then again to Michigan. I am now thinking of moving to a more urban setting such as Philadelphia or NYC...really, I would be happy to keep this system for ever, but need to start making "tough choices"

I was wondering if anyone else out there has done something similar? What type of products would I be looking at to keep the same type of listening experience? I think that I would probably keep my DAC and use it as part of my system, but I don't know...any input would help!

That was kind of what I was thinking...I mean I own some Grado 125's now, but I think I would want to go a little nicer than those...

Mapman do you have any experience with Stax? I have owned some of the less expensive Senns and at one time I had the Grado RS-2's to give them a listen. I thought they were nice, but I never went as far as to hook them up to any adequate amplification...just the output on my HT receiver (when I still had one of THOSE things)!

I was just looking about and saw some information about the Stax srm-t1w amplifier and lamda nova signature headphone combo. The Stereophile article on these looked promising. I wish I would have been on this page when the last pair came across here...
I couldn't hang with a headphone only system. Even in urban areas there are the suburbs where you can listen to music in the privacy of your own home.

That said, I'd propose a compromise: down size to a 2.0 or 2.1 system with a quality integrated. There are many, but Musical Fidelity makes quality integrateds at good values.

So I'd go with a thinning out verses throwing out. Less to move, easier to setup, but you can still enjoy the sound of music in your house/apt. And you may even end up cash positive :)
You know, I have thought about that too...I think that one of my problems is that I am a 90db guy...and probably going to be living in an apartment again. I hate neighbors, but sometimes there's nothing you can do...

I have a pair of Stax sr-80 pro headphones. They are far from the best Stax phones out there though. They are not the ultimate in low end extension,, but are very enjoyable and non-fatiguing otherwise

I like electrostatic headphone designs like the Stax myself for the low fatigue factor.

There are many really good phones out there though I am sure. Frankly, I am not very up to date on this topic so I would hesitate to offer other suggestions. I've owned good Sennheisers in the past and liked those. Ive heard very good things about certain AKG models as well. Goldring sells headphones these days as well...haven't heard them, but I have high respect for that brand from their phono cartridges, FWIW.