Thinking to replace my phono

Hi All,

I was wondering, what are the benefits I can get by replacing the phono stage with a more expensive one, say -  8K$-11K$?
My current analog setup made from Brinkmann Bardo turntable & 10.5 arm, Miyajima-Laboratory Kansui cartridge, Zesto Andros PS phono. The above setup connects to Luxman C\M900u pre+amp and Magico S3mk2 speakers.

Any thought or knowledge is welcome.
For the money you are willing to spend I would Call Dave at Intact audio or Kevin at K+K  audio.  They can listen to what you are looking for and maybe even build  it from scratch.  These guys know what music sounds like and are no BS gentlemen. 

Enjoy the ride
While the most people on audiogon will recommend only US MADE gear for some reason, i must admit, there are amazing gear made in Japan, Europe and Australia.