This 60 Hz hum is driving me crazy

I just got a new to me, Prima Luna Prologue Premium Integrated tube amp. Sounds great, but there is a "ear to the speaker" 60 Hz hum. Hum sounds the same if I adjust volume +-/  The only thing I have connected is a Parasound Zdac.  Speakers are Rega RS1 Here is what I have tried:

1. I disconnected the Zdac so it was just the PL connected to the speakers with no other inputs. Hum still there.

2. While Zdac still disconnected, I use a 3-to-2 prong adpater to determine if its a ground loop.  Still there.

3. The outlet is a new one added from our remodel.  So I used an extension cord and plugged into an original outlet to see if the electricity was "dirty."  Hum was still there. 

Now here some possible culprits.  

* The stereo is perhaps set up in the smallest man cave in California.  The speakers are about 2 feet away from preamp.  I will try moving speakers further. 

* I am using crappy Amazon 12 AWG cables.  I have some better ones coming from Morrow Cables. 

* The stereo is in front of the panel that our internet wiring comes in through (I am in a condo complex).  There is no wireless there, but perhaps I should set up system somewhere else to try.

* I am using the tubes from the previous I just buy a set of new tubes?  

Is there anything else I should try?  Thanks in advance.



@dill Agreed and thats the goal.  Looking to move next year but for now, the closet office is the only place I can set this up.  I have one of those....what do you call them again, oh yea, a wife, that doesn't want so much stuff in the living room.  Nor do I want it accessible to my 6 year old who loves to push buttons beyond their limits.  @4krowme  I used a plug pre remodel so I assume its on a different circuit.

Well crap, Now I Have a Hum.... but I can fix it. Building a new amp this week.

Unplug from 110v and power down the entire internet stack and see if that changes anything.

1. prior amp, no hum?

2. reconnect old/any amp to confirm the Prima amp is the source

3. both sides, or one side? if 1, that's easier to switch things one at a time, swap tubes, swap cables, swap inputs ...  if both sides ....

4. you have your own tube tester? even without a problem, you benefit for the rest of your life with a simple tube tester.

5. temp hook prima different location, small portable speakers, portable cd player, IOW, still hums in another location?

6. if all tubes test good, contact cleaner all tube pins and sockets


I had a hum years ago that I couldn't get rid of, until I removed the outlet from the wall.  It turned out that the ground wire, which is bare, was just barley touching the hot lead screw terminal in the box.  I just rearranged the Romex in the box slightly and the problem was gone.