Those of you having experience with Manley Shrimp

I have purchased the Shrimp and am interested in what you are using for power amps. At this point I want to go with a solid state amp, then possibly tubes down the road. A local dealer has a used McCormack DNA-1,comments? But at the moment I am open to suggestions-want to go used-get the best bang for the buck.
the best bang for the buch is the mccormack. these amps are very under rated ,but those who know amps vs. bucks know about mccormack. i have owned alot of ss amps and they are some of the best from top to bottom end. if you can get a good reasonable price..then go for it, especially if your speakers need power. good listening....a audio goner along time...dwhitt
A question I need to ask. Is there a certain order to follow when turning on a tube pre and ss amp. Thought I read that if you didn't follow the correct order, you get a pop through the speakers. Thanks.