Great conversation, fellas, your posts encourage me. Encouraging and protecting those in need brings out the best in me, Trust me, I’ve lived a rowdy life, and the thought of answering for my past chills me to the bone. My only choice seems to be to sort myself out and do better going forward.
I recently saw a clip of Jim Carrey where he stating he had been through some rough times, and coming out of those times we all have a choice to become bitter and resentful, or turn toward mercy and forgiveness. (Paraphrased)
We both found peace in our faith, and I struggle daily in that pursuit.
Speaking up is somewhat risky, in person more than online of course, but the reward far surpasses my enjoyment from audio, or anything else for that matter. I encourage you look for opportunities, a kind word, a good deed, a note to somebody being torn into by one of life’s tragedies. It’s not going to save the world, but it may keep somebody from buckling under the strain.
Many of you are way ahead of me, thank you for being an example.