Time of listening session?

Hi, I was wondering what part of the day do you listen to your system? I listen to my system mostly late night but I sometimes listen during the afternoon. I feel the gets me during the night.
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I`m hooked on the early Gunsmoke series,late 1950s-mid 1960s(black and white era). The characters,writing and story lines are top notch,good call.Old stuff but compelling.

Gun smoke rocks! Matthew (as Festus says) Doc, Mrs. Kitty, Now that's worth muting the music for!

BTW, I'm an evening listener except for a little classical during a Sunday afternoon nap (not during football season though)
I listen when I go home for lunch, and in the evening after work if the TV isn't being watched by the family, on weekends throughout the day, and sometimes with the TV sound turned down on sports or when I'm at my computer.
I love gunsmoke too, but my favorite is The Rifleman, great half hour stories and at times, ambiguious moral lessons. All the characters are flawed in some way and it is sometimes tough to reconcile the measured reasoning of Lucas and his ability to always have his modified Winchester 92 ready for action and use it with little provocation. Some really great "bad guy" characters and pretty good actors that made the western tv circuit, Richard Devon, Royal Dano, Robert Culp, Dennis Hopper, Sammy Davis Jr, great stuff!