Tinnitus remedy?


Caffeine, dehydration and sodium does increase tinnitus in some people. Also I’ve found a direct connection between taking aspirin (or any NSAID’s) and the development of severe tinnitus for at least 2 or 3 days. I can’t take any meds in that class of drugs. The tinnitus is incredibly severe. Makes sense because those drugs cause tissue “dehydration”. 
I have a question for the group. Has anyone else noticed the lack of daily sun exposure causing an increase in tinnitus, and severity? I live in Arkansas and have no issues with tinnitus from April - mid-Oct and it completely subsides while on beach vacations. I’m in the sun 2 to 8 hours a day in the summer and it disappears in a week or two of heavy sun exposure.  Between Oct-March I get very little direct sun exposure and I’ve had to find other solutions. Less caffeine, “massage” the tonsils (or back of throat) causes drainage and over 2 or 3 days reduces  tinnitus. Drinking LOTS of water everyday and limiting sodium helps. Also avoiding laying horizontal (in bed) more than 6 or 7 hours helps. One more thing I learned that helps. Quickly moving my head around into different angles relative to the floor. Basically  “jostling” the fluids in my sinuses seems to create drainage that reduces tinnitus. If I do this a couple times a day for 5 min or so I can usually reduce/eliminate it. Caffeine is my biggest problem though. Too much caffeine and only heavy sun exposure is effective. 
Last thing - which is probably obvious - healthy stress management and exercise helps tremendously. Periods of high unresolved stress causes  me to get severe tinnitus, if I don’t take preventive measures. 
Best of luck. 

Besides the usual suspects for creating tinnitus, the Sun is a natural relaxer / healer, not having too much exposure (skin cancer, etc)

Tinnitus seems to be related to blood pressure and nervousness.

I have had Tinnitus since 1982 and now 73 yrs old..5 yrs ago tinnitus become louder to point I need sleeping pills to sleep...But the frequency. of my noise level still allows me to hear some great sounds from a new Raven Audio Reflection Tube Amp...So I feel blessed at what I do hear coming from the speakers....I find if I pull my shoulders up towards my head very hard and lower at times my noise calms down at times...For when I do pull shoulders up and keep them there the noise level increases..I do this at night in bed to help relax some..We all have something and just have to learn to live with it..