Tiny bridges everywhere, but why?

As I am getting closer to my first "complete" system, I am starting to research and get opinions on smaller tweaks. The cherries on top, so to speak. The term "smaller" covers the size, cost and possible impact to SQ. 

I do not know what they are called but I am seeing all sorts of devices holding up cables. Don't know why but they remind me of Navy Seals running out of the ocean with a telephone pole over their shoulder...

Thanks to this forum I have learned that everything in some way impacts SQ, so whatever these thingamabobs are called, do they impact SQ or are they a form of cable management? Both? Do materials matter? Am I going to have to splurge on rosewood versions treated with stain containing ash from one of Jerry Garcia's guitars, or could I use old shoes for now to accomplish whatever mission these fulfill?

I could have Googled this topic, but I want to hear from you - Your experience, choices, etc. 
Cheap ones are called 'cable lifters', more costly are 'Cable Elevators'.  Note the capitalisation adds further perceived value.

But anyone tried gold-plated cable lifters?
If there's an improvement, you can move up to solid gold.

The floor of my listening room is concrete and it is underground, and my house is in the middle of a hundred acres in rural Michigan. I have no detectable noise from anywhere in the room or anywhere, including the AC power lines into the house. Zero noise anywhere, nothing measurable even from the components that make up my system. Has this hobby taken a turn towards the dark side? What about listening to, and loving music? Or is that just an afterthought on this forum?
The OP has an interesting query here.  Can't say I've ever seen or heard of elevated audio cables before. 

Wire management is handled using cable trays.  Your local utility uses miles of cable (and cable trays or underground conduit) in every substation for SCADA control and other sensitive switching control. 

The electrons know where to go... I'd be more concerned about external EMF than cable vibration at miniscule voltage potential.
Try these Rebar rebar elevator chairs, black or red, 2 or 3 inch heights, hold almost any cable( even my Cerious snakes), 40 per crate, enough to even supply your neighbors. $31. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Grip-Rite-2-in-PROLOK-Rebar-and-Mesh-Chair-GRPROLK42B/204768994
My listening room is carpeted, so I was able to cut and notch some pieces of cardboard to test the idea of cable lifters. Sure enough, they made a nice improvement, and I ended up getting a set of Audiquest Fog Lifters, which work great for me.


I like the way they make minimal contact with the cables. Also, the giant spider look has grown on me, but you, or others in your household, might disagree😉

Another related area you might want to delve into, if you haven’t already, is vibration control. I have found the solutions from Herbie’s Audio Lab work very well, and they are reasonably priced (at least in the context of this hobby). Putting Tenderfeet under your components is a good place to start.
