To SME or not to SME?

...that is the question. I have an irrationally strong urge to sell my Orbe SE, a very nice 'table in it's own right and order a SME 20/3. I've posted an ad for a used 30/2 but haven't received any responses. I have a new SME V to mount on the table. Could the SME be a last 'table purchase, or will the urge strike again a couple of years down the road if not sooner? Thoughts, opinions from members with ownership or listening experiences with the Orbe SE or any of the SME tables would be greatly appreciated.
As sure as the day is long, the urge will strike.
Suggest you get a 30/2 or 30/12 from Southwest Analogue in the UK. Then you will be done.
I suggest you not buy anything expensive on impulse. It is possible that even the tables compared to which SME is junk would not satisfy it.
The upgrade bug is a given for most in this hobby. From time to time it's going to bite. It's that simple. Since the 'table is my only source - and likely the best candidate in my system for an upgrade - I've been doing a lot of research lately on a replacement. Unfortunately, it's not practical, or even possible where I'm located, to audition much of anything. So you read, read, read, question, speculate, read between the lines, solicit opinions, extrapolate from what you've been able to glean, and then, when the urge becomes strong you have to dive in and hope for the best. The frustrating part is spending a lot of money but ending up short of where you hoped you would end up.
Is there any advantage to buy from Southwest Analogue in the UK compared to your local dealer?

Just for a new toy purposes that can definitely make you happier, you can. Other than that time, money, hassle to sell one get another would not worth the performance improvement.