I am curious about your comment "Tone controls will only add distortion." What kind of distortion? A well designed tone control will alter the frequency response of the system, and yes, this is a form of distortion. But why would this be worse than changing cables. When people speak of this cable being brighter than that one, or this one having better bass definition than another; isn't that the same thing? Why is trying to change to change the frequency balance of system with cables better or worse than doing the same thing with a tone control? Perhaps it would be easier and cheaper to attempt to alter the response with a slight adjustment of a tone control than to try to achieve this with expensive cables that have no adjustment other than replacement. After all, a tone control can consist of no more than a capacitor or inductor and a variable resistor. I seem to remember Cello offered a tone control system (equalizer) a few years back that was well recieved. While it is true that such equlization systems are generally scorned by the high end community, I bet most don't have any idea how they work, much less understand how they affect the "distortion" of a system.