Tonearm cable recommendations

I think it might be time to 'upgrade' my tonearm cable (using Analysis Plus Crystal Oval interconnect now), as we are listening to records A LOT!

What's out there?

Any recommendations?

Anyone using/used Extreme Phono's Limited Edition cable? I'm thinking of demo-ing it.

Pricing, while important, should not be the major issue here....the sound is the thing.

My equipment: Aries extended, JMW 12.5, Lyra Helikon, McIntosh C100 pre-amp.

Thanks! All help is appreciated! I've learned everything from you Audiogoners over the past year!!

Harmonic Technologies Silver Phono interconnect is what i have been using for a year now and I am very happy. This company uses (and manufactures it's own) single crystal silver and copper wire that it uses in all its products. Much depth and air to be found with these cables.
I would recommend one of Audioquest's DBS interconnects. Perfect for phono application since the cable is run in by having the dialectric constantly be charged. Cable is very open sounding. I use the Cheetah, its great.

Have you thought of a total replacement from cartridge to rca as a single run?
such as Incognito, I rewired my RB-300 and I'm more than happy w/the results
i have had surprisingly good results with discovery +4 as a dedicated tonearm cable--a MAJOR upgrade over the vdh i was using. just my 0.02